Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Most Popular Memes 2018

Hello everyone time for my first actual blog post. Since this is the first I decided to make it something fun and of course I picked memes. 

But before we get started I would like to give a shout out to my first follower Natalie Rue who is a very good friend of mine!

I decided that since memes are something I see around me everyday when I'm online with a group of friends that I should cover this topic there's alot of interesting memes out there but I'm going to cover the most common memes used on the sites I'm on.

#5. Tide Pods

The Tide Pod meme started  back in 2012, it reached a hell pitch this year, when people started posting videos of themselves taking chomps out of the colorful little packets for some reason it became a huge meme on discord. NEVER mess with one of these despite seeing others play with them it can kill you.

#4. Steamed Hams

A memorable scene between Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers on The Simpsons. The scene has been a popular reference point for fans, what started in 1996 and became popular in 2009 is still widely popular til today with a growing fanbase. 

#3. Ugandan Knuckles

The character Knuckles from the Sonic series created by YouTuber Gregzilla, which is often used as an avatar by players in the multiplayer game VRChat who repeat phrases like "do you know the way" and memes associated with the country Uganda. The character is associated with the expression "do you know the way", which is typically spoken in a mock African accent and phonetically spelled as "do you know de wey." Along with the question in hand a VR user will start making "spitting" sounds, followed by a "mob like" mentality. Unsuspecting VRchat users fall victim to Ugandan Knuckles "promise" of showing "de wey".  This meme spammed many discord servers this year taking the site over for a short amount of time it was short lived because half the members found it more annoying then funny -sourced from

#2. Doge

In 2012 the meme "Doge" started its a slang that is primarily associated with pictures of Shiba Inus (nicknamed "Shibe") and internal monologue captions on Tumblr. These photos may be to change the dog's face or captioned witht was based off Shiba Inu named Kabosu.

#1. The Dab

The Dab or Dabbing, not to be confused with the recreational use of hash oil that goes by the same name, is a style of hip hop dance that involves dropping one's head with one arm raised and resting the face inside the elbow of the other arm, which essentially resembles the gesture of a polite attempt at muffling a loud sneeze. Originating from the hip hop scene in Atlanta, Georgia, the dance became mainstream popular after numerous professional football players adopted it as a celebratory gesture during games in August 2015. 

Lol when I think of number one it reminds me of a very special someone whose going to be reading this.

Well everyone thanks for reading I'm going to think of a more serious topic for next time. Sorry for the delay! I was quite busy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Welcome mew hearties to me pirate cove.

Lol. Well, now that we've had a bit of fun, why don't we hope to the introduction?

Everyone, welcome to my first blog!

This was been a long-time dream of mine, so I hope it goes well. My name is Messenger Deception, some of you may know me as Messenger of Heaven or even Captain Kitty.

It's always been my passion to be a writer ever since I was a small child and I discovered the world of Percy Jackson,

It inspired me to over come my learning difficulties (I'm dyslexic) and follow my dreams and over the years, I've studied many cultures and religions along with politics. I can't say my blogs will be about this, I will make random posts and what I'm in the mood to write.

I hope you all enjoy your time reading my blog and that you continue to check future posts out! They will sometimes be random and fun, but other times somewhat educational.